Monday, September 19, 2011

Malaysia Landmarks : Dataran Merdeka

Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square) was previously known as the
Selangor Club Padang (Field).

The Selangor Club Padang was officially renamed
Dataran Merdeka on January 1, 1990 in conjunction with the Visit Malaysia Year 1990.

The field was a popular spot for British social activities beginning 1884. Cricket was a mainstay activity at the padang.

The Malayan Flag was hoisted at Dataran Merdeka on 12.01 am on August 31, 1957.

The Padang faces the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, constructed in 1897. It used to house the British Secretariat.

The fountain at Dataran Merdeka was
imported from England and assembled in 1897.

It used to be housed at the Market Square (now known as Medan Pasar). It was moved to Dataran Merdeka as it obstructed the flow of traffic.

The flagpole is the tallest in the world - standing at a height of
100 metres. It is in close proximity to the spot where the Union Jack was lowered and the Malayan flag was hoisted for the first time on August 31, 1957.

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