Sunday, October 2, 2011

Malaysia Landmarks : Kuala Lumpur Railway Station


The present Kuala Lumpur Railway Station along Jalan Sultan Hishamudin (formerly known as Victory Avenue ) was
built in 1910 and enchants the onlooker with its minarets in the Mughal style, Gothic windows and Greek columns.

It replaced an older station called the Resident Station which stood on the same spot. The Resident Station was built in 1886

Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station which stood from 1892-1910 

Until 2001 it acted as the rail transportation focal point before the Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station took over its role. 

The station is now being used for KTM Komuter services (the station was electrified in 1995) and cargo services.

The eye-catching building was designed by Arthur Benison Hubback and was built at a cost of $23,000.

The Kuala Lumpur Railway Station faces the Malayan Railway Admistration Building.

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